Thursday, July 9, 2020

Sticky Rice and Mango

Sticky Rice With Mango
Cooking Deja Vu Asian Style

Shopping list: Sticky Rice (& Sweet Rice if desired) Sugar, Coconut milk, Mango. Refer to photos below.
You will need the basket and pot listed later.

This is actually 3 different Recipes but they are all related.
Sticky Rice
Red Sticky Rice
Sticky Rice With Mango 

Some added Vegan/ Veggie notes.

A Variety of Sticky Rice Made in USA Use 2 cups

Another Variety of Sticky Rice

An alternative to make the Red Sticky Rice 1/3 a cup to 1 & 2/3 cup of Sticky Rice. 2 total cups are needed. If you use this rice it is better to let all the rice soak together over night!  (This is the same Red Rice i use to make purple rice for my ginger salmon.)

Cover about 2 times the water to rice.
Put a lid on it or a plate and let it sit for about 2 to 3 hours

This is a standard Aluminum Sticky Rice steaming pot. One can be obtained at Asian grocers more likely Thai, or Laio or Vietnamese.

Steam Basket for Sticky Rice. One can be obtained at Asian grocers more likely Thai, or Laio or Vietnamese.

Steam Basket and Steam pot together about 2 to 3 inches of water in the bottom get it to a boil. Cook on high until finished.

Just before you start steaming your Sticky Rice start preparing the Coconut Milk. One can and a half of a can of water in small sauce pot.

Add 1/3 cup of sugar.
The original recipe calls for 1/2 cup (Thai restaurant quality) 
 You can get organic cane sugar towards Vegan at Whole Foods.

Put the rice in the steam basket and rinse it into the shape of as I call it, "the Football" (For my example it will be be called the Philadelphia Eagles Superbowl Football)
You can name it after your favorite team.

Put the basket into the steaming pot and cover it with some kind of a lid, cook it for 15 minutes.

While your Sticky Rice is steaming, this is a good time to start heating your Coconut milk mixture, medium low heat, stir it to a liquid and let it heat slow.

After 15 minutes take the basket out of the pot and kind of shake it and make the rice flip over.

When the rice is turned over to the other side as you shake it it should look like a football. Put it back on the steam pot with the lid and cook this side 15 minutes

If you just want to make Sickie Rice to eat as a vegetable you can stop here and serve.

If you want to use it as a desert continue with the Recipe 

Put the Sticky Rice into a flat shallow bowl or square pan. Take a spatula and press it down flat and even. The dish needs to be about twice as deep as the rice when you are done or more..

Cover the rice with  the coconut milk.

Tip if you are planing on eating it soon save a shot glass of coconut milk mixture (approx. 2 oz) to pour a little over it after reheating to get that restaurant look.

Rice after soaking in the coconut milk over night.

Put a lid on it and let it cool then chill in the refrigerator over night. It will soak up the coconut milk.

The next day just before heating the Sticky Rice, You work your Mango's, Summer yellow Mango is best if you can get it.

The mango's are nice if chilled to cut and serve cool over the hot sticky rice

Peal with a potato peeler unless it is very ripe then you will need a sharp knife. Cut off the stem ends, then slide the knife in over the flat oval pit that runs most of the length of the mango.

After cutting of the top and bottom trim the sides of the mango and cut them into triangles to decorate with later

After soaking rice in the coconut milk over night.

put some into a plate and microwave it for about a minute on 7 power. Note: keep what sticky rice is left and freeze it in patties to microwave later.

After pressing the rice flat with a spatula Put half the mango on it slice it and decorate, as a pineapple.

Variation Stick Rice with Sweet Red Rice

Freeze your sticky rice and keep it on hand
Cut the rice into pie slices about 8,
flip the on their side and slice them through their width
flip the over (press) make a square and wrap and freeze it for later.

Añjali Mudrā
Maharishi Déjà Vu

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